McRock and Snowflake Ventures co-invest in Landing AI

Visual AI is the Next Frontier

The potential applications for AI are limitless. It’s no longer just a tool for high tech industries, though we know all about that. Just look at how it’s made its way into the mainstream. And the next big opportunity in the application of AI is visual. About 90% of data is unstructured, and much of it is visual content, like images and videos.

Andrew Ng and Landing AI are leading the charge. Again. Is anyone surprised?

We’re not – that’s why we’ve partnered with Snowflake Ventures to further invest growth capital in our portfolio company Landing AI’s computer vision capabilities. This significant partnership will enable customers to leverage Landing AI’s capabilities natively on Snowflake via Snowpark Container Services and Snowflake Native Apps to create powerful, customer-built computer vision solutions that process images and videos at scale, all within the secure, governed boundary of the data cloud.

Landing AI sees the value in using large vision models (LVMs) to process and interpret the terabytes of visual data generated every year. And we see the value their intuitive software platform brings to enterprises that leverage generative AI technology for computer vision to innovate.

Think quality inspection, robotic assembly, and defect detection in manufacturing. Drug discovery, medication inspection, and cell analysis in the pharma industry. Automated checkouts and shelf inventory checks in retail. And that’s just for starters.

We can’t wait to see what’s next for this powerful partnership!