June 5-6 . Montreal Science Centre, Montreal, Canada
Mark your calendars!
June 5-6 is when the 2024 McRock Digital Industrial
Symposium is back in Old Montreal, Canada.
The can’t-miss event of the year is where you will find top digital industrial entrepreneurs investors, and corporations. Also back will be the ever-popular
Speed Pitching and our Networking Reception where elbows are rubbed, introductions are made, and deals are struck.
Check back regularly for updates on our lineup of Keynote Speakers and
Panels. You don't want to miss it!
Hosted By
Co-founder & Managing Partner
McRock Capital
Co-founder & Managing Partner
McRock Capital
Take advantage of super early bird pricing. Save CAD $300 when you purchase before March 15.
Peter is the CTO at Emerson, spearheading the product roadmap, innovation and
R&D strategies, and more. He is also well-versed in the world of venture, serving on
the Board of Directors of Emerson Ventures. In 17 years at Emerson, Peter has had
a front row seat to the Digital Industrial Revolution and we can't wait for him to
share his experience!
Speed Pitching Session
This is your opportunity to test your best elevator pitch on
the people who can make things happen. Bring your A-game.
Hype yourself up in whatever way works for you (no
judgment here) and then get ready for a rapid-fire pitching
session that could literally change your life. No pressure!
Post Symposium Reception
When the adrenaline rush subsides, join us for one last networking event. Compare
notes with other delegates. Celebrate your new deal (no guarantees on this one, but
you never know!). And take stock of all you learned and the influencers you met. It’s
the perfect way to wrap up the Digital Industrial event of the year.
Hotel Accommodations
Book your accommodations where all the cool kids are staying – a Symposium room block has been negotiated at the Saint-Sulpice Hotel, in the heart of Old Montreal. These special rate rooms are limited, so be sure to book your room as part of the McRock Symposium 2024 here or contact Magalie at msparsa@lesaintsulpice.com
Last year was our 10th Symposium and we went BIG!
See all that happened inlcuding the Symposium, Speed Pitching Session, our
first-ever McRock Climate Action Awards and the 10 Year Gala.